
Thanks for joining me on my blog - feel free to use, adapt and enjoy all the recipes here and make suggestions too - I take requests!

Sunday, 13 October 2013

English Not Knittish Neck Warmer

I made a neck warmer a few years ago and I wear it regularly as I have a problem with a muscle in my neck that doesn't like the cold! So I was wearing it last Monday when I was collecting my daughter from Taekwondo a nice lady who is learning to knit and who is a red belt admired it and asked me if I could give her the pattern and write it out in "English not Knittish" a phrase that I love!

I searched through my many, every expanding, set of books and magazines for the pattern to no avail so yesterday I decided the only thing for it was to pick up my needles and try and recreate the pattern.

So here it is, I think it's an ideal pattern for a beginner who wants to make something a bit more advanced than a plain scarf but who really doesn't want to deal with shaping just yet, I hope you enjoy it!

Neck Warmer

Materials: 100g main colour (Patons Fab DK)

25g contrast colour (Patons Fab DK)

4mm needles

2 x Safety Pins


K              Knit

P               Purl

sl1            Slip one stitch (holding yarn at back of work slip the first slip from

                the left hand needle to the right hand needle without knitting)

st (sts)    Stitch (stitches)

yfwd      bring yarn forward over the needle creating a new stitch on

              the right hand needle

K2tog    Knit 2 stitches together


Using Main Colour cast on 2 sts

Row 1: Sl1, yfwd, k to end (3sts)

Row 2: Sl1, yfwd, k to end (4sts)

Repeat these last 2 rows until 30 sts are on the needle

Next Row: Sl1, yfwd, k2tog, k to end

Repeat this row for 2 inches

Divide for first loop

^Set Up: slip the first stitch from the left hand needle onto the right hand (empty) needle, slip the next stitch from the left hand needle to the safety pin and hold at the back of work, continue until all stitches are on either the right hand needle or the safety pin. You should have 15 sts on the needle and 15 sts on the right hand needle. Ignoring the stitches on the safety pin for now slip the stitches back onto the other needle so the stitch with the yarn attached to the ball is the first stitch on the needle. Working on these stitches proceed as follows:

Row 1 K1, *p1, k1, repeat from * to end of the row

Row 2 P1, *k1, p1, repeat from * to end of row

Continuing in the 1x1 rib (these 2 rows) until the loop is 3 inches long, ending with a Row 2, break the yarn and slip these stitches on the second safety pin.

Now working on the stitches that had been slipped onto the first safety pin, join the yarn to the first stitch and complete to match the first side of the loop.

To Rejoin the Stitches:

Set Up: Place all the stitches back on one needles by slipping the first stitch from the front needle then the first stitch from the second safety pin. Continue until all the stitches are back on a single needle. Rejoin the main colour and continue as follows:^

Main Body

Next Row: Sl1, yfwd, k2tog, k to end of row

Repeat this row until main piece (from end of the first loop) measures 18 inches

Second Loop

Work as first loop from ^ to ^

Second End:

Next Row: Sl1, yfwd, k2tog, k to end of row

Repeat this row until main piece (from end of the first loop) measures 2 inches

Next Row: Sl1, yfwd, k2tog, k to last 4 sts

Repeat the last row unitl 6 sts remain

Next row: sl1, yfwd, k3tog, K2 (5sts)

Next row: sl1, yfwd, k3tog, k1 (4sts)

Next row: sl1, yfwd, k3tog (3sts)

Next row: K3tog

Cut yarn and feed through loop of final stitch and fasten off

Weave in the loose ends of yarn.
