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Thursday, 4 July 2013

Blaincéad Mór agus Beag


Blaincéad Mór agus Beag

The name of this pattern is the Irish for Big and Small Blanket – which is exactly what this is – you can choose to make a 6 square blanket, for a pram, or a 12 square blanket, for a cot. But why not make a 25 square lap blanket if you want to try your hand at some lace patterns, colour work or basic cabling without having to concern yourself with shapings – enjoy!

Pram Blanket: W 35 inches x H 25 inches


Square 2
Colour B
Square 1
Colour A
Square 3
Colour c
Square 5
Colour C
Square 4
Colour : A, B & C
Square 6
Colour B

Cot Blanket: W 35 inces x H 46 inches

Square 2
Colour B
Square 1
Colour A
Square 3
Colour c
Square 5
Colour C
Square 4
Colour : A, B & C
Square 6
Colour B

Square 2
Colour B
Square 1
Colour A
Square 3
Colour c
Square 5
Colour C
Square 4
Colour : A, B & C
Square 6
Colour B

Material Required: Patons FAB DK

Pram Blanket:

Colour A Light Beige Shade 02331 100g

Colour B Dark Beige Shade 02308 100g

Colour C Bright Red Shade 02323 100g

Cot Blanket

Colour A Light Beige Shade 02331 200g

Colour B Dark Beige Shade 02308 200g

Colour C Bright Red Shade 02323 200g

Tension: 20 sts x 20 rows 3 1/4 inches x 3 inches

Using 4mm needles throughout

Square 1

Cast on 52 Sts

Row 1: knit all stitches

Row 2: purl all stitches

Rows 1 and 2 form stocking stitch (st st)

Continue in st st until 72 rows have been worked

Cast off

Square 2


Cast on 52 sts
Row 1: K4,* p4, k4, repeat from * to end

Row 2: P4, *k4, p4, repeat from * to end

Row 3: as row 1

Row 4: as row 2

Row 5: as row 2

Row 6: as row 1

Row 7: as row 2

Row 8: as row 1

Rows 1 to 8 form basket weave pattern

Repeat rows 1 to 8 8 times more (72 rows in total)

Cast off

Square 3


yfwd yarn forward, bring yarn over needle creating a stitch

sl1 slip one stitch knitways

psso pass the slipped stitch over the knitted stitch

K2tog Knit the next 2 stitches together

Cast on 52 sts

Row 1: Knit

Row 2 and every alternate row: purl

Row 3: K5, * yfwd, sl1, k1, psso, k6, repeat from * to last 8 sts, yfwd, sl1, k1, psso, k3

Row 5: k3, * k2tog, yfwd, k1, sl1, k1, psso, k3, repeat from * to last 9 sts, k2tog, yfwd, k1, sl1, k1, psso, k4

Row 7: as row 3

Row 9: knit

Row 11: k9, * yfwd, sl1, k1, psso, k6, repeat from * to last 3 sts, k3

Row 13: K7, * k2tog, yfwd, k1, sl1, k1, psso, k3, repeat from * to last 5 sts, k5

Row 15: as row 11

Row 16: purl

Repeat rows 1 to 16 3 times more, then rows 1 to 8 once – 72 rows in total

Cast off

Square 4

Cast on 52 sts in Colour A

Work 4 rows in st st beinning with a knit row

Change to Colour B and work 4 rows in st st

Change to Colour C and work 4 rows in st st

Change to Colour A and work 2 rows in st st

Change to Colour B and work 2 rows in st st

Change to Colour B and work 2 rows in st st

These 18 rows from the striped pattern

Continue in striping sequence as set until 72 rows have been worked

Cast off

Square 5

Cast on 52 sts

Row 1: K1,*k1, yfwd, sl1, k1, psso, k5, k2tog, yfwd, repeat from * to last st, K1

Row 2 and every alternate row: purl

Row 3: K1, *k2, yfwd, sl1, k1, psso, k3, k2tog, yfwd, k1, repeat from * to last st, K1

Row 5: K1, * k1, (yfwd, sl1, k1, psso) twice, k1, (k2tog, yfwd) twice, repeat from * to last st, K1

Row 7: k1, *k2, yfwd, sl1, k1, psso, yfwd, sl1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, k2tog, yfwd, k1, repeat from * to last st, K1

Row 9: k1, * k3, k2tog, yfwd, k1, yfwd, sl1, k1, psso, k2, repeat from * to last st, K1

Row 11: K1, * k2, k2tog, yfwd, k3, yfwd, sl1, k1, psso, k1, repeat from * to last st, K1

Row 13: K1, *k1, (k2tog, yfwd) twice, k1, (yfwd, sl1, k1, psso) twice, repeat from * to last st, K1

Row 15: K1, k2tog, * yfwd, sl1, k1, psso, yfwd, k3, yfwd, k2tog, yfwd, sl1, k2tog, psso, repeat from * to last 10sts, yfwd, sl1, k1, psso, yfwd, k3, yfwd, k2tog, yfwd, k2tog

Repeat rows 1 to 16 3 times more then rows 1 to 8 once (72 rows in total)

Cast off

Square 6


C4 B Cable 4 Back, place next 2 st on a cable needle and hold at the back of your work, k2 from

main needle, then k2 from cable needle

C3B Cable 3 Back, place next stitch on a cable needle and hold at the back of your work, K2

from main needle then p1 from cable needle

C3F Cable 3 Front, place next 2 sts on a cable needle and hold at the front of your work, p1

from main needle then k2 from cable needle

Cast on 52 sts

Row 1: k6, p18, k4, p18, k6

Row 2: p6, k18, p4, k18, p6

Row 3: k6, p18, C4B, p18, k6

Row 4: as row 2

Row 5: as row 1

Row 6: as row 2

Row 7: as row 3

Row 8: as row 4

Row 9: K6, p17, C3B, C3F, p17, k6

Row 10: P6, k17, p6, k17, p6

Row 11: K6, p16, C3B, p2, C3F, p16, k6

Row 12: p6, k16, p8, k16, p6

Row 13: k6, p15, C3B, p4, C3F, p15, k6

Row 14: p6, k15, p10, k15, p6

Row 15: k6, p14, C3B, p6, C3F, p14, k6

Row 16: p6, k14, p12, k14, p6

Row 17: k6, p13, C3B, p8, C3F, p13, k6

Row 18: p6, k13, p14, k13, p6

Row 19: k6, p12, C3B, p10, C3F, p12, k6

Row 20: p6, k12, p16, k12, p6

Row 21: k6, p12, C3F, p10, C3B, p12, k6

Row 22: as row 18

Row 23: k6, p13, C3F, p8, C3B, p13, k6

Row 24: as row 16

Row 25: k6, p14, C3F, p6, C3B, p14, k6

Row 26: as row 14

Row 27: K6, p15, C3F, p4, C3B, p15, k6

Row 28: as row 12

Row 29: k6, p16, C3F, p2, C3B, p16, k6

Row 30: as row 10

Row 31: k6, p17, C3F, C3B, p17, k6

Row 32: as row 2

Repeat rows 1 to 32 once more, then rows 1 to 8 once (72 rows in total)

Cast off

Making Up

Sew the rectangles together, using mattress stitch where possible, in the sequence given on the layout charts at the beginning of this pattern. Weave in any loose ends.

Side Borders (make 2)

Using Colour A cast on 15 sts and knit 1 row

Row1: knit

Row 2: sl1, k1, psso, k to end (14 sts)

Row 3: knit

Row 4: sl1, k1, psso, k to end (13 sts)

Row 5: knit

Row 6: sl1, k1, psso, k to end (12 sts)

Row 7: knit

Row 8: sl1, k1, psso, k to end (11 sts)

Row 9: knit

Row 10: sl1, k1, psso, k to end (10 sts)

Row 11: knit

Row 12: cast on 5 sts, knit to end

Repeat rows 1 to 12 until border measures the same lenght as the side of the blanket

Cast off

Top and Bottom Borders

With RS facing and using Colour B pick up and knit 14 sts from side border, 150 sts from the main body of the blanket (50 sts per panel) and 14 sts from the other border – 178 sts

Work 10 rows in garter stitch (every row knit)

Cast off

Repeat at bottom of the blanket

Weave in any loose ends

Check ball band for pressing and laundering instructions

Copyright Edell McLoughlin 2013

This pattern is the intellectual property of the designer, Edell McLoughlin. The designer gives the user the right to use the pattern free of charge. However it is given on the condition that is is only used for non-commercial purposes.
